Welcome from the Red Oak PTO!


Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are glad to be back and hope you and your family had a wonderful summer!  The PTO is excited about our upcoming PTO events and programs and we cannot wait to get together as a Red Oak Community.

 Enter Site




 Help collect boxes for Box Day! All boxes need to be dropped off by Dec. 12.

Sign up to volunteer to help. 






Learn About AlphaBEST

Find full details and watch the webinar that D112 hosted about our district's new before and after care provider, AlphaBEST.

AlphaBEST Details & Webinar



 For any questions, creative ideas or if you'd like to get involved - please contact us! 



Cathy Curran and Lisa Edison

PTO Co-Presidents



Thank you to Our Sponsors!

The Red Oak PTO wants to send a big THANK YOU to our PTO sponsors for the 2024-2025 school year. We are so grateful for your generosity and your support of our PTO!





Become a Sponsor